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Jan Zandbergen again receives Thailand’s Best Friend Award

Jan Zandbergen Group - Thai Best Friend Award TBF

On 11 September, Jan Zandbergen received Thailand’s Best Friend 2012 award from Thailand’s Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. It is the second time in a row that the organisation receives the Thai acknowledgement.

The TBF Awards is a Thai Ministry of Commerce event organised by the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP). The award has been created specially for acknowledging trading partners and is awarded to companies making a significant contribution to (and / or stimulate) the export of Thai products.

Jan Zandbergen WWQM is an international player on the market for meat and meat products. Especially cooked chicken products for the European market are imported from Thailand. For a couple of months the European market has been open again to raw chicken meat from Thailand. Jan Zandbergen WWQM is one of the first companies importing raw products from Thailand again. Altogether Jan Zandbergen World-Wide Quality in Meat imports a wide range of products from Thailand. This is such appreciated by both Thai suppliers and the Thai government, that the organisation has again been proclaimed Thailand’s Best Friend.