Quality is of the utmost importance at Jan Zandbergen World-Wide Quality in Meat. Therefore we are very pleased that MHP -our Ukrainian supplier of chicken meat – recently obtained the BRC, A grade, certification. So far unique for producers of chicken meat in Ukraine.
MHP (Myronivsky Hliboproduct) has one of the most modern production facilities in Europe and is an important supplier of chicken products for Jan Zandbergen WWQM. Naturally, the company is EU certified. In addition, it recently also achieved BRC, A grade certification. This certification confirms that the quality is at the highest level in the world.
To ensure quality MHP controls the entire supply chain. Established in Europe’s breadbasket it controls the growing of corn and raising of poultry, and it features its own slaughterhouses and modern facilities for further processing of the chicken products. MHP brands include Qualiko.